Passion for Potholes

Zach at LAist understands me. He knows I am crazy, and that I have a herd of felines, and that sometimes I develop obsessive tics, like for example the way I spout off about traffic every two and a half minutes.

I do not know Zach, in the sense of “we have met and seen each other and are not just innernet weirdoes.” I merely know that he is Perfect, because he does not Judge. He has a website, too. Stalk stalk.

Since it was election week, a lot of folks asked me how I felt about the outcome (The Governator: The Sequel) and the changes in Washington and so on. And I said pretty much the same thing, over and over again:

“I have potholes on my street that could swallow a school bus.”

If asked in more detail what I thought about Democrats or Republicans or Congress, I said:

“And also, I hate the Orange Line. And why for the love of fat Elvis can’t they time the FREAKING TRAFFIC LIGHTS ON WHITE OAK? WHY?”

People soon stopped asking me election-day questions.

I used to be very passionate about politics, I even worked on a Presidential campaign once in college as a volunteer. I’ll admit that I had a madly inappropriate crush on Al Gore. He was a Tennessean, you know. And he looked really good in red plaid flannel shirts.

Maybe I lost my passionate fervor with politics around the same time people started getting really weird about the subject, like they would CUT YOU if you didn’t like their candidate. You looked the wrong way at someone’s White Guy In A Tie, and they would bust a fact up in yo ass! Yo yo!

Then I got divorced and I was like, “Politics? Are you kidding me? I AM CRYING HERE DO NOT BOTHER ME WITH YOUR SILLY VOTING.” After I re-emerged from the fog of dissolution, it became very clear to me that there was one pressing political question, and that was: WHY CAN’T THIS CITY FIX THE DAMN POTHOLES AND TIME THE LIGHTS?

For the most part I like our Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa. He seems like a nice guy and he’s from the ‘hood and all that. Except… he’s not from the Valley Hood. In the mayoral primary, I voted for Bob Hertzberg because he was a nice Jewish boy from the Valley and I figured he might care deeply about the potholes plaguing the finest place on earth. He lost, but I held out hope for Antonio. I thought maybe he could help us all … rich and poor, young and old, black, brown, white, botoxed beyond recognition. I thought he might actually pave something.

I have wishes, people. I have dreams. They may not be the passionate dreams of someone taking over the Senate, but they are my dreams all the same.

For example, I might out of sheer happiness molest the first road crew I see filling up the potholes on my street.

And I really do wish that Mayor Antonio would come to Encino and try to get on the 101 on-ramp at White Oak each morning during rush hour for one whole week. I think he would be interested in the half-hour he loses merely trying to turn left … with the help of a left-turn arrow, even! He might wonder why the lights are so badly timed. He might honk, because that is what we do every morning. It’s very exciting in the Valley, you could die of old age trying to merge on the freeway.

And I would like every person on the City Council and the Board of the MTA to ride the Orange Line each day during rush hour for one whole week. They might wonder at first why people are literally shoving them out of the way, trampling them to get on the bus. Shhhh! It’s a secret! There just aren’t enough buses! So people shove, kick and push you to get on the one overcrowded bus available and stand squeezed in like toothpicks for thirty minutes. And by the way, PEOPLE OFTEN SMELL BAD. Soap is not optional, folks.

I would like the Mayor to force his wife or daughter to ride the Red Line subway each night from downtown to North Hollywood at 7:45 p.m. each evening, just as I do when I work late. I think they would feel so safe, what with the complete absence of security. Then his daughter or wife would have to walk alone to her car through a parking lot that has three working bulbs. Try it! So much fun!

And then of course, they would drive home, through the Valley on darkened streets that are full of potholes and they would hit every single red light along the way.

I care, people. I care deeply. My passion is potholes. And traffic. And wine. And with those qualifications I should probably run for office … except for the molesting of road crews part. Those darn sex scandals get you every time.

Tragedy Narrowly Averted (or “How I talked myself out of those shoes and saved $78!”)

There is one reason why getting out of debt is so important to me: That debt I’m paying off isn’t from all the pretty shoes I bought, or from yarn, or from anything at all hanging in my closet or decorating my house. That debt is the last remaining vestiges of my marriage and divorce, the sum total of a whopping $32,000 I found myself owing at the beginning of 2005.

About $10,000 of that was lawyer fees, the rest was from my marriage. (No, I will not go into details; yes I tried what I could legally; yes, I tried that, too.) In the end, this was my situation and so I had two options: cry in a corner and eat my hair, or face reality and figure out a way to pay off $32,000 worth of debt. You can complain about a thing, or worry about it, or make yourself anxious over it all day long. You can bitch and moan and carryon like nobody’s business, telling yourself how it’s all wrong, you don’t deserve this, it isn’t fair. But that doesn’t pay off your bills. Eventually you have to face it, and accept your part in the accumulation of such a debt (he wasn’t the only one spending while we were married) and you just do the best you can with what you’ve got.

So I made the budget and started learning how to handle my money, and I devised a repayment plan that was slow and painful but manageable. I had a fixed amount I repaid each month, plus anything extra went toward the debt. My bonus from work that one year? 100% went toward my debt. Yard sale money? Pay down the debt.

I had setbacks along the way (all the cats got sick AT THE SAME TIME. My car died, and then died again. And so on.) but I kept plugging along, even when it wasn’t fun.

There were two months when I paid only the very bare minimum on my debt — January and February, 2006. I saved that money to pay for my trip to Paris. It was the only way to go on vacation without going in deeper debt. I know some people thought it was frivolous of me to go to Paris when I had so much money I owed, but you do not get through three years of debt repayment without a little happiness. And I needed that trip. Some people need a new car, or a nice coat, or a great handbag. I need travel, I love travel. I needed that trip for my head and my soul, and it worked: it was when we got back from Paris that I knew it was time to finally open up to new possibilities, and finally start dating. Two weeks later I was on my first date in years and years and years.

So when I stood there yesterday at the store, eyeing those beautiful buttery-smooth leather open-toed heels, I had to remind myself why I don’t want to spend eighty bucks on some shoes right now. Because that is eighty dollars closer to freedom, because the debt hanging over me is the last remaining shackle of my marriage and divorce, because I deserve to be free more than I need a pair of shoes, because buying them won’t make me feel better that I had a cruddy day which is how I found myself shopping to begin with, because one day I will be free of all this and I will have worked hard for every single penny and my cats will get the finest catnip on that day, and I will drink a bottle of Veuve Cliquot in celebration, and we just have to hold on. (Cue Wilson Phillips, please.)

I have a fraction more to go, and while the sum left would seem like a crazy amount of debt to some people, to me it’s the least I have owed in ten years (!!!). We were not fiscally responsible or mature when we were married. I pretended it was okay for him to “do the bills” while I managed the house. I thought I wasn’t capable of money management, but boy was I wrong. Women — with our excellent attention to detail and very determined natures — tend to be very good at surviving and thriving, and that includes budgeting. I have made huge progress, all on my own. And I am so ready to be free! I want to be free of the last remaining obligation of sadness and divorce, to be free of a marriage that in the end was outlasted only by its debt.

So I put the shoes back and went home and mentally calculated how long it would take to get out from under this last chunk of debt.

It’s close. It’s so close I can feel it.

Stitch ‘n Pitch

Knitters are the most unique people on earth … who else could invent something as nutty-fun as “Stitch ‘n Pitch” combining baseball, knitting and Dodger Dogs? Oh! And do not forget the ten-dollar beer! Do not spill even a drop… a single ounce of that small plastic cup cost you a buck and a half!

I almost backed out of going last night to the Los Angeles Stitch ‘n Pitch event because I wanted to go home and go directly to bed. I’m a weenie, and not just of the Dodger Dog variety (by the way, two days in a row using the word weenie! hee!) but I’d already bought the ticket and I have to admit my curiosity got the best of me. I’m so glad I went! I started fading on about the fourth inning, but it was well worth it. Check out the crowd:

Oh yeah. There is this one other teetiny thing I may have forgot to mention, which is that I am rather deathly afraid of heights. Just a little bit. So when I saw where we were going in the stadium I tried to call in sick again, but Faith was having none of it. It is good to have friends who don’t let you back out of stuff. Except when you are in peril of dying from altitude sickness.

You see, Dodger Stadium is climbed in three steps. First there is base camp at the foot of the mountain, Mt. Dodgerest. And that is where in the past I always lived, at Base Camp, also known as “I will pay extra for seats where gravity is still an active force on my body.”

If you are a more adventurous climber, you make the trek halfway up the mountain, a route first made by Edmund Hillary during the Great Dodger Dog Exploration of 19somethingorother. There is mustard and relish awaiting you. This area allows for proper altitude acclimatization in order to prevent altitude sickness. You can also get ten dollar beer here.

Faith poses for crazy camera crew during exploration of Dodger Dog Camp at Mt. Dodgerest. I am merely acclimating her to vacationing with me wherein I will take 3,000 pictures per day.

Finally, if you are brave and have a sherpa, or are a KNITTER, apparently, you make the final ascent to the summit. Heavy climbing equipment is recommended, but alas they do not sell hard liquor at Mt. Dodgerest. You have to rely on the ten dollar beer to keep you from hurling as you attempt to scale the treacherous stairs and avoid spillage. Once at the top people will take your picture to remind you that you survived the arduous journey.

I really tried hard to say hey and be sociable and I drank many (4) cups of coffee beforehand so I would be alert and not schlumpysniffly, but I have to tell you I was not prepared for the perilous altitude. I do not know if you are afraid of heights. If you are not, then I salute you and your badassery. I myself am a complete land-loving mudfoot. I plan to lobby the Stitch ‘n Pitch folks next year to get us closer to the earth’s crust, where I hear they even have a thing called “oxygen.”

Aside from my constant fear that I would at any moment tumble off into space, I had a remarkable fine time and met new friends.

Laura, left, and Debbie and Jerry say hey!

Face-hugged old friends.

Me and Gwen drank beer(s), plural.

Captured the parents-to-be, Sara and Richard.

This was the first time I’d been to a Dodgers game in YEARS, it was really fun. I love to go to baseball games (I can’t stand to watch it on TV, or any sport for that matter… except soccer, which always makes me think of being in some pub somewhere and seeing folks go ape over a goal) but baseball games just have such a good feeling about them, maybe it’s the beer or maybe it’s the hotdogs, maybe it’s the cute guys in tight pants. Who knows! But it was made all the more entertaining by hundreds of folks knitting in the stands.

I love knitters. Ya’ll are buckwild crazy.

Movie Night

Movie Night, a.k.a. ‘Glad ya’ll liked the shrimp, sorry about the drunk picture-taking!’

This weekend I hosted a little get-together for the girls who are going to Paris so we could eat French cheese and drink French wine and watch some French movies. (Can ya’ll tell we are excited about this trip?) Shannon couldn’t make it, and we were very sad, but we soldiered on and before long the wine was opened and cheeks were pinkened and all was well. But we did miss you, Shannon!

Jennifer and Gloria and Amber came over, and we commenced with the merrymaking, bonjour beaujoulais! The last time I had even a drop of alcohol was on Shannon’s birthday, so needless to say cheeks were pink here at chez wino in no time flat. Although this was allegedly a wine and cheese party, as a Southerner I have trouble serving only cheese for dinner and at the last minute I marinated some shrimp for kebabs. An excellent choice because I got to use my new grill! I do love my new baby grill, which is propane and little and cute as a button. AND IT COST ME $19.95. No lie. I understand why the rest of the nation is in love with Wal-Mart, because even though I had to drive all the way to Panorama City for this little grill, it was well worth it.

Also, I have the worst post-party anxiety. Does everyone do this or is it another fine Neurotic Girl trait? You know, the party ends, people leave (or you leave, if it was hosted elsewhere) and you smack your forehead for all the dumb things you said. You wake up the next morning vowing once and for all (again) to shut the hell up next time and refrain from A) talking about the bird flu and B) Telling everyone how in love you are with Dr. Andrew Weil and C) Showing everyone pictures of said doctor to which they say things like, “Oh.” and “He’d make a good Santa Claus.” and D)THE TALKING.

But there is nothing better in all this world than the company of your closest girlfriends, and hopefully they will forgive me for the talking, and also the drunk photography that I somehow always mange to force people into when we look our worst. Love you! Can’t wait for Paris! And maybe next time on Movie Night we’ll actually watch a movie, whoops!

Make it stop.

OH God.

I just gave THE WORST PRESENTATION EVER IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND. I was so nervous, I talked too fast, and my voice was all shaky,and all I could think of was “Whatever you do, don’t say PORN, don’t say porn, don’t say porn, DONTSAYPORN!!!!”

My presentation was worse than bad. It was… painful. I was one of those horrible train-wreck public speakers that you can’t take your eyes off because THEY SUCK SO BAD. You’re afraid if you look away for one second, you’ll miss the part where they EAT THEIR OWN TONGUE.

Of course, the upside is that I’ll never have to present to a room of high-level executives again.

Because yes, friends, I said it.



Send wine.


I remember when “Pillow Talk” came out with Doris Day and Rock Hudson. I was 16 and my mother wouldn’t let me see it because it was too riske. If you ever saw that movie, you’d find that hilarious. It’s a kids movie compared to today’s movies. But standards were different. I remember Peyton Place, but I had to wait until I was over 18 before I could borrow it from the library!

Stitch ‘n Bitch ‘n Ugly Ugly Knitting

Here is a partial list of things that always make me happy, in no particular order:

• french fries
• getting a great parking spot
• Roy snuggles in the morning
• that really stupid song “Afternoon Delight”
• doing the white-girl-with-no-rhythm cabbage patch dance
• Stitch ‘n Bitch!!

Stitch ‘n Bitch is a happy place. There’s food and drink and yarn and nice people who try to assure you that even though you are making THE WORLD’S UGLIEST HAND-KNITTED OBJECT EVER, you’re… original! creative! and… cats are colorblind! So don’t worry, they’ll LOVE it!

Yes, it is the return of the Ugly Mystery Knitted Cat Thingamajig.

(Also, very important note to everyone from SNB that I tried to explain the project to? Please keep it a mystery. That’s the ONLY thing this project has going for it. Mystery. Intrigue. Gnomes. ‘Cause ya’ll know it is butt-ugly and ginormous and made of Lion Brand chunky wool ease NEED I SAY MORE?)

Hi! So, Stitch ‘n Bitch. Fun! Lots of people, and I got a hat! Ellen finally started a blog and I got to make her a banner for it, and in return she made me an amazing cute bucket hat (I got to choose from four different hats!) and personally, I think I got the better end of the deal because this hat is so damn cute!

Ellen and me with my amazing hat; Dita looks so cute in everything; Shannita gets camo on us!

What’s crazytalk is that Ellen crocheted all those hats in four days. I’m bad at the maths, but I’m pretty sure that’s a hat a day, people. I really have to get busy learning crochet, it’s so fast and pretty. Unfortunately I am fully commited to finishing the Ugly Mystery and nothing will deter me. Apparently I am now treating my knitting like I do relationships: You may be completely WRONG but DAMMIT, I will FINISH what I STARTED. (Also, you may think I need serious therapy, but compared to what ya’ll will see later in this very story, I will seem less crazy by the minute. Keep reading. IT GETS BETTER.)

But before the crazy, we have photos!
(Click on any thumbnail for bigger pics) (I tried to make them small since I am posting eleventeen hundred pictures.)

From L-R: It’s Jennifer and Penny, the Knitting Sisters; and because I never stop with the camera; wait! there’s more … it’s Gwen-Jen-Pen knitting, the alliteration knitters; Gwen LOVES tiny dpns, can’t you tell?

L-R: Abby was a first time SNBer and she made this HOT shrug from loop-d-loop, so cute! Carla the supermodel knitter; This is where Denise says, “Laurie, please stop with the camera!” A group shot of all the folks.

L-R: Jeffrey is so cute you want to hug him, but I didn’t because of the whole restraining order thing; Ya’ll, meet Julie! She is the editor of the online crochet magazine called Crochet Me and she was just in town visiting because she’s famous and doing a TV show, and she made the cutest pink crochet flower purse with a tee-tiny, matching flower change purse (here’s a link to the pattern). Maybe if I learn to crochet I can make one of these and replace my haute couture ziploc change purse.

L-R: More group shots; Kathy models one of Ellen’s amazing crochet hats; Kim tries to hide from crazy camera lady; Karyn and Darcy a stitchin’ and a’ bitchin’ as it should be.

L-R: Tami made THE cutest hand puppet ever! Mary-Heather and I sort of took ownership of said hand puppet for a photo op (hey, ya’ll, sorry for the comment I made about cameltoe, you know how I am, I have a sickness or something); Phyllis is making a super-cool knitted tie with teetiny little toothpick needles; Sara has contracted a case of the Seraphina Fever.

L-R: Sara and Julie get accosted by crazy camera lady; Shannita models the sleeve of her beautimous green sweater; Faith learned how ribbing creates pleasure from Mary-Heather; Lori smiles for crazy lady!

So that was the fun and happiness of Stitch ‘n Bitch in which I sweated a little, brought The Ugly Thing, fondled Faith’s yarn, made a totally normal conversation into The Time She Said Cameltoe, and only mentioned porn once. Yet I feel totally normal. Would you care to know why?

Tami pointed something out to me last night. Something I had never before seen, and hope to God I never see again, because ya’ll, it was unnatural. Tami and Lori spotted these two people, a guy and a girl obviously out on a date at the Farmer’s Market, and these were two young, attractive people. Who appeared to have all their faculties about them. And the woman WAS FEEDING THE MAN his dinner. Not the sexy feed-you-a-strawberry kind of thing, I mean she was holding his chin like you would a baby and practically doing “here comes the airplane spoon!” And she was wiping his mouth. AND CUTTING HIS FOOD for him. And they were on a DATE.

And at some point the man noticed that perhaps this big table of women across the room was WATCHING this display of emasculation, and I guess he got mad at his girlfriend who was treating him like a TWO YEAR OLD and then he pouted.


I am not lying. And of course I have no class so I took pictures of the whole thing. Because they were in public and what you do in public may or may not be forever enshrined on the Internets.

Hairy Legs

Yep, I’m so going there. My husband was out of town for work for a month. Which means that I let the self-maintenance go a little bit. As in, I didn’t shave my legs for nearly the entire month of January. As I used to say when I was younger and a tad neglectful of that task during the cold months — “I’m growing my winter fur.”

I had some major winter fur growing on my legs. Some of you might be grossed out. Some of you might come by this post because you have a hairy leg fetish. I bet more than a few of you will be thinking, “I do the same thing.”

Go ahead and admit it. I just did. I can’t believe how hairy my legs got! Makes me realize that when I read historical romances and the hero runs his hands along the heroine’s smooth legs, that’s TOTALLY BOGUS. More like he’s running his hand over her smooth fur.

Oh yeah I so totally went there. Hairy legs on women aren’t really sexy, huh? I mean check out these ladies:

Selma and Patty have got it goin’ on! Now confess – do you really keep up the leg shaving during the winter months? Or hey, maybe you’re single and have no man currently in your life. How about then? (Guilty of that too). Let’s talk hairy legs!

The Flow

I’m talkin’ words. Yesterday, after being in revision and edit land for the past two weeks, I finally finally wrote like a maniac. It was hard to start but once I got into it, man those words just flowed. And flowed and flowed and flowed.

As you can tell, I’m quite pleased.